Lucky® the Preparedness Dog

Lucky® enjoys working in his community and helping others. He serves. He protects. He teaches. Lucky® will teach kids how to use their Superpowers through a variety of safety tips about preparedness. PWP® has created a variety of educational programs and activities. You can see examples below. Remember, security education begins at home.

Currently Available Lucky Books

Lucky’s ® Superpower Story: Learning New Skills to Adapt to COVID-19

“Lucky® enjoys working in his community and helping others. He serves. He protects. He teaches. Lucky® will help kids learn a variety of safety tips and teach you how to listen and be prepared for any situation.

PWP® has created a variety of educational programs centered around Lucky®. You can see an example below. Security education begins in the classroom. Lucky® will teach kids about Superpowers that they may need to activate when an ordinary day becomes extraordinary”

Review the Book Presentation Here


“This is a very confusing and scary time for children. Dr. K has done a wonderful job in her book using Lucky to help children understand about Covid-19. Children are no different than adults. Education and understanding help to allay fears and insecurities. The activities in the book are awesome and fun! The book covers every aspect of staying safe and learning to live in our changing times, and is presented on a platform that is easily understood by children of all ages. Thank you, Dr. K and Lucky!!!!”


“This book does an excellent job of providing very useful information about COVID-19 in a format that keeps children engaged and entertained. My son loved following along with Lucky, Ava and William!”


“My kids were so pleased to be able to do the activities in the book. It’s not often they get to color in a book that they read :)”

Lucky’s® Superpower Story: Super Learning During The Pandemic

The second edition is focused on putting your skills from the first edition to work in this edition, as Ava and William navigate going back to school during COVID-19. Ava and William practice social distancing on the school bus with their measurement tool, mask-wearing, and practice being a Super Friend when their classmate isn’t feeling well and is afraid to tell their teacher. Kids will learn how to put their new skills to work while going back to school and adjusting to the new rules.”

Review the Book Presentation Here

Lucky’s ® Superpower Story: New Adventures, Same Rules

Lucky® the Preparedness Dog has a brand new, three edition Story and Activity Book Series for kids ages 4-8 to learn about safety and preparedness during the pandemic. The first edition is focused on learning new skills to adapt to COVID-19, as living rooms have become classrooms, and parents have become teachers. Kids will learn new skills about social distancing and hygiene, the mysteries about wearing masks, and changed routines in a way that actually involves them and reduces their fear and uncertainty.

Review the Book Presentation Here

Lucky’s ® Superpower Story: Recognizing the Heroes Through the Pandemic

In this fourth edition Lucky® Series Super Story, kids are invited to understand the important jobs of First Responders and other essential workers who keep us safe all the time, and especially now through the pandemic.

Review the Book Presentation Here

Hello San Diego and the San Diego Police Foundation!

Did You Hear the News?

Lucky The Preparedness Dog will be helping the San Diego Police Foundation and the very cool Police Officers (the Chief too!) at the San Diego Harbor Police Department to teach kids about preparedness and resiliency in a place where community engagement is the order of the day.

Lucky® Partners With The Washington DC Police Foundation

PWPORG is helping to support the wonderful work by the Washington DC Police Foundation with youth across the city through donations of books, educational videos and resources related to navigating through the pandemic; a partnering with purpose which honors the selfless work by the Foundation and the Women and Men on the frontlines. Our first tribute is to one of those heroes, Senior Police Officer Keith Williams.

Senior Police Officer Keith Williams, a 31 year veteran of the Washington DC Metropolitan Police Department passed away on

June 5th, 2020 as a result of COVID-19.Officer Williams was assigned to the Youth Division, an assignment to him, which was an extension of his own family, he loved it so much. The Executive Director of the Police Foundation, Asst Chief Patrick Burke (ret MPD) commented: “Officer Williams was one of our Junior Cadet mentors, a great cop and a dear friend of the Foundation. He was incredibly passionate about working with our youth and is directly responsible for bridging the gap between the police and the community. His life epitomizes what we stand for and the impact that a police officer can have on a young person’s life. This last year, Keith supported our Seaton Junior Cadets, which was a class of 26 5th grade boys. Those students adored Officer Williams and were constantly smiling and joking with him; all while learning important lessons on safety and policing. He will be incredibly and profoundly missed by everyone who knew him, and we will always remember his kind heart and compassion for others

Senior Police Officer Keith Williams, MPD

Lucky® Makes it Out To The Neighborhood!


Lucky®‘s Friend Rosie!

Hi Kids, meet Rosie, she is one of Lucky®’s best, and special friends! Rosie is special because not only does she love working with Lucky® to teach kids about preparedness, she also works with kids with access and functional needs, those kids that have different talents and abilities, and sometimes different challenges too. It is what makes them special. Rosie and these Super Kids will help all kids understand that being different is cool, whatever those differences are. Rosie also learned Spanish from her family which means she can communicate in more than one language, which is super cool! Rosie’s mission is to help Lucky® teach kids the practical safety skills they need.

                                       Special Contest

Lucky’s Coloring Contest

Coloring Contest

Thank you to all the kids for their submissions, we were overwhelmed with the beautiful artwork.  It was too hard to choose a single winner, so EVERYONE received a prize! (See some of our winners below.)Stay Safe and Always Prepared!

Love, Lucky 

PS Keep an eye out for the next contents!

COVID-19 Preparedness Resources

Lucky®’s COVID-19 Questions.

Lucky® knows that this pandemic has been difficult for everyone, especially kids, but he and a special friend have put together a resource to help answer any questions that kids may have about COVID-19 and how it affects them. If you have any more questions you would like Lucky® to answer, email them to

School Preparedness Resources